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Saddle Fitting

"Bob Hickman" being a saddle maker since 1985 teaches his knowledge in saddle fitting seminars. An hour (or) two seminar covering the mechanics and function of saddles, interspersed with hands-on application of that information. Participants get experience evaluating saddle fit on a variety of horses including their own. (Depending on the number of participants.)

How Western saddles are made

Functions of the Saddle Parts

How the Saddle Affects the Horse

Why are there so many problems?

Signs of Poor Saddle fit for the Horse

Signs of Poor Saddle fit for the Rider

How the Saddle Affects the Rider

"That there are no true industry standards of measurements in tree widths or angles of a Western Saddle. Often, in order to market to the masses, production saddlers will call the semi-quarter horse tree a "quarter horse" tree, so you will better assume it will fit your Quarter Horse." - Bob said

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